Is Turmeric Safe or Does It Cause Liver Damage?

Is Turmeric Safe or Does It Cause Liver Damage? Curcumin is a naturally-occurring active chemical compound found in the spice turmeric. It is also the effective ingredient used for dietary supplements. I will refer to them both as turmeric for the rest of this article to make it simple, and because many of the unscientific…

How to Lose Weight With Chronic Illness

A seldom discussed part of chronic illness is the weight gain that often comes with it. Weight loss is possible if you are chronically ill. Many people feel guilty or embarrassed to ask their doctors for help with weight loss.  It can seem inconsequential or vain compared to the debilitating health challenges they are dealing…

What Can Your Stool Tell You About Your Health?

 What should your stool look like? Nobody likes to talk about their poop. As a Clinical Nutritionist, I know that your stool is a very valuable source of information about what’s going on in your body. It was taught to me as part of my functional medicine training back in the 90s, and “How does…