Lab rest results sampleFunctional Lab Testing and Juli Keene’s NutritionLab Services

Does your doctor say your blood test results are “normal” but you still feel like you’re not your best? Do you get fatigue, brain fog, headaches, excessive hunger, or food cravings, or do you struggle to lose weight?  I’m Juli Keene, The Los Angeles Nutritionist and I’ve spent over 25 years learning about and applying functional lab testing and what it tells us about our health and optimal nutrition. I’ve helped hundreds privately and thousands of people in my corporate and group programs to get to the bottom of nutritional and health issues and reach their goals.

With my many years of clinical skills and experience, plus the best specialty lab testing and my customized test panels I can help you figure out exactly what is going on. Whether you are feeling awful, have a diagnosis like S.I.B.O, or Hashimoto’s, IBS, anemia, or a leaky gut, or if you just want to prevent and or optimize your health my NutritionLab System of lab testing and applying nutrition will work. We will identify your most needed tests and apply the results to your diet and life. My NutritionLab System includes my deep Analysis and my Report (see picture on this page). My NutritionLab Report is a detailed multipage document with all your levels and ranges with a color coded display and after we derive a baseline you will have comparison charts as we retest your values to see progress as you look and feel your absolute best.

Part of figuring out what you need is figuring out what you don’t need. Certain foods that you eat often, may be irritating to your system, causing inflammation, weight gain, symptoms, and cravings.

Food allergy or food antibody testing is a way to figure out which foods you should not be eating. Food allergies and food sensitivities are abnormal responses to a food component triggered by the immune system in the form of immunoglobulins (IgE, IgG, IgA), representing either an immediate or delayed response.

Specific IgG, IgA ELISA food panels are arranged in comprehensive panels of 96 foods consumed in the typical western diet or 184 foods, many of the substitute foods typically found in rotation/elimination diets. Juli uses a 184-panel food antibody test that includes spices and condiments. I also test for condiments, spices and even mold and other allergens found in the environment as they can also cause issues. Oftentimes, the issue lies in one of these areas, which are not usually tested by most practitioners. This test is reasonably priced and easy to do. I have mobile blood draw services and many tests can be collected by you at home. My practice is almost all done online so you have no traffic or travel or other stressors. I do see some clients in person but that is local in LA. Ask if you are interested in that.